Permits under review

Updates: Jan 19, 2021

TPCI confirms it operated oyster nursery, says it has all required permits. NS Lands and Forestry says retroactive permit application to lay pipes still under review. NS Fisheries and Aquaculture still reviewing application for marine leases. Confused? We are too.

TPCI confirmed to a FOAH member that it operated its oyster nursery for several weeks late last year and that it has all the permits it required. However, this week we were advised by a senior NS Dept of Lands and Forestry official that TPCI’s retroactive application for permission to lay pipes across Crown Land into Antigonish Harbour was still under review. We are not sure why TPCI was able to move ahead with operating the nursery given the uncertain status of a required permit. Meanwhile, the NS Dept of Fisheries and Aquaculture website still indicates that it is reviewing TPCI’s application for marine leases in the harbour.