Pipes without permits

Update September 2020:

Dept of Lands and Forestry confirms that a permit was not issued to Town Point Consulting. Pipes were placed in the harbour without the necessary permits on Crown Land.

During the three months it took to confirm that TPCI did not have at least one of the many permits required, construction work continued.  FOAH is upset that there was no permit for the pipes and these pipes have been laid underneath Crown Land and onto the road and beach we have all been fighting to reinstate access to. We hope Minister Rankin’s department will not simply issue a permit to TPCI retroactively and as a result encourage others to disregard Nova Scotia's laws and regulations.

This is the response from the Honorable Iain Rankin, Minister of Lands and Forestry to one of our members who inquired into the permit and application status:

"Upon being contacted, our Department investigated and initiated a site visit.   We also confirmed that no permit was provided by Lands and Forestry for the activity carried out over Crown Lands and the file was turned over to the Department of Environment (Enforcement Division) for investigation.  Town Point Consulting has since been in contact with the Department of Lands and Forestry and has initiated the application process with respect to obtaining a permit for the laying of pipes in Antigonish Harbour.   The matter of the original pipe laying activity is still under investigation by the Department of Environment (Enforcement Division)."