
We are a group of concerned residents and frequent users of Antigonish Harbour who wish to preserve the harbour’s sensitive ecology and protect access for those with historical and/or cultural ties, current commercial fishermen and all recreational users. Antigonish Harbour is a public commons which we believe should be left for the benefit of the many and not for the financial gain of an individual or corporation. 


Lou Bilek, Seabright

Linda Murphy, Bilek, Seabright

Peter Bowler, Town Point

Colleen Bowler, Town Point

Sheilagh MacKinnon Hudon, Southside Harbour

Bill Hudon, Southside Harbour

Aly MacDonald, Seabright

Lucy MacDonald, Seabright

MaryJo MacDonald, Seabright

Mike MacDonald, Town Point

Pat MacDonald, Seabright

Susan Ross, Southside Harbour

Heather Mayhew, Tera Tory Dr

A Nova Scotia Registered Nonprofit Society:

FOAH is a registered nova scotia non profit society.