ARB Ruling Unpopular

The Nova Scotia Aquaculture Review Board (NSARB) issued a decision on a contested aquaculture licensing application. As you will see there are significant reservations from many about how this hearing played out. See the CBC news article, Opponents deride first fish farm decision from new N.S. regulator | CBC News and a Chronicle Herald article, Online forum airs grievances about review board's salmon farm decision | SaltWire. Finally, this Saltwire article’s headline is self-explanatory N.S. Aquaculture Review Board not fulfilling public complaint role envisioned in 2014 report | SaltWire

We understand that the Houston Government will be conducting a review of Aquaculture Regulations. As always, input from concerned citizens will be vital. We encourage you to communicate the importance of public engagement/consultation as part of this review to your local and federal elected officials including Minister of NSDFA Steve Craig, Premier Tim Houston, and Antigonish MLA/Minister of Health Michelle Thompson. For a full list of names and contact information please link to

We learned late last year that NS Lands and Forestry issued a “water lease” to TPCI granting permission for TPCI to maintain the pipes which it placed in the harbour without the required permit almost two years ago. It seems that TPCI’s tactic of begging forgiveness vs asking permission was rewarded.

We have no update on Town Point Consulting Inc.’s application to put 23,000 oyster cages, 52km of rope and 440 anchors to be drilled into Antigonish Harbour floor. The next step is a NSARB hearing, however a date has not yet been announced.