Fact Checking

FOAH has been quiet lately, hoping everyone has enjoyed summer.

We still believe the multi-year ARB review process was deeply flawed. TPCI’s plan increases navigational risks to commercial fishermen and recreational boaters and is likely to cause serious environmental damage to our harbor’s ecosystem. For anyone interested in specifics, you can see the many errors and obvious bias in the ARB’s written decision by clicking here.

It will be difficult to monitor compliance with the ARB’s decision or TPCI’s “farm management plan” as this “plan” is completely confidential. However, we can confirm as of early September 2024 1) there has been lots of eelgrass throughout the two largest leases all summer 2) cormorants and other birds love sitting atop TPCI’s oyster floats — shown above is one row floats out of planned 231 rows, the “cut” is in the background— and 3) TPCI has placed at least one row of floats in lease 1442. TPCI and its experts claimed there was little to no eelgrass beneath its leases, birds would not be able to stand on its floats and lease 1442 would be used primarily to store mature oysters on the harbour floor in winter.

On the positive side, we are pleased that Heather Mayhew has rejoined FOAH’s Steering Committee and that she will be representing FOAH on the board of Nature Nova Scotia (NNS). We are also encouraged that the chairperson of the ARB has been replaced and that the new chairperson promptly adjourned hearings on Cook Aquaculture/Kelly Cove Salmon’s applications in Liverpool Bay.

We encourage those interested in the health and protection of Antigonish Harbour to convey to NS’ leaders your disappointment in the ARB decision, disregard for the safety of local commercial fishermen, piping plovers, eelgrass, fish and fish habitat, not to mention the opinion of the majority of residents living around the outer harbour. You might also express your opinion that the NS government should give no more grants of taxpayer money to TPCI and not sell historically significant crown land at Town Point to the Porter Family. Emails contacts: Michelle Thompson (michellethompsonmla@gmail.com), Tim Houston (premier@novascotia.ca), Minister of Fisheries Kent Smith (kent.smith@novascotia.ca), Zach Churchill (NS Liberal Party Leader ca@zachchurchill.com), Sheilagh Sears (Liberal Party MLA Candidate for Antigonish sheila@sheilasears.ca) and Claudia Chender (NS NDP Leader claudiachendermla@gmail.com)